The Early Learning Centre (ELC) incorporating Kindergarten is an integral part of The Cathedral School’s commitment to providing children with the best possible environment in which to explore, learn and grow.
6 Weeks to Kindergarten
Children from 6 weeks to Kindergarten are able to participate in age-appropriate programs under the watchful eye of professional and caring staff. With an emphasis on learning through play and positive social interactions with peers, children begin developing the framework for a life-long educational journey.
Philosophy Statement
Our vision is to be the benchmark of excellence in early childhood education and care.
We encourage and guide children to become independent life-long learners through engagement of high-quality, developmentally appropriate educational programs – delivered in partnership with families by compassionate, dedicated, and qualified staff in a safe, supportive and inclusive environment.
Our Programs
The Early Learning Centre has six rooms, each catering to a specific age range, in addition to multiple Kindergarten rooms. The rooms are geared to the children’s stage of development and qualified, dedicated staff provide developmentally appropriate programs designed to nurture each child’s physical, social, emotional, cognitive, spiritual and creative development.
The Walker Learning Approach supports our Centre’s programs to ensure a focus on personalised learning for each child and the development of strong relationships between the children and their educators.
Discoverers (From 6 weeks)
From their earliest days, babies are discovering things about themselves and the world around them. They learn through sensory play in a well-resourced environment that stimulates their development. Caring staff follow the necessary routines to ensure a smooth transition for each child from home to the Centre.
Explorers (From 12 Months)
For toddlers, play is the way they learn about themselves and the world. Through their explorations, they begin to master many fundamental physical, social and intellectual skills and concepts. Qualified staff foster this play in a nurturing environment, giving children the confidence to explore and grow.
Investigators (From 15 Months)
Children learn by doing. At this stage of their development, children will be offered high quality play experiences that support their natural quest to find out ‘why’. The planned activities allow them to investigate new concepts and give them opportunities to be responsible, to make choices and to be challenged in the friendly play-centred program.
Venturers (From 18 Months)
As children grow, they continually venture into the unknown. This is how they learn about their world and the people and things within it. The Lead Educator provide a variety of engaging and stimulating experiences to encourage the children to meet challenges, use their initiative and build a healthy self-esteem.
Creators (From 30 Months)
The world of play develops into planned and experimental exploring, problem-solving, imagining and creating. As relationships develop with their peers, children are encouraged to make play safe, just and equitable for all participants.
Inventors (From 36 Months)
As children develop the capacity to pretend, their imagination enables them to invent a fictional world where they can explore roles and relationships. Through such experiences, friendship groups are formed, power relationships are negotiated and life experiences are examined. Such symbolic play is crucial in supporting children’s developing early literacy skills.
“We would like to say thank you to the Wulgurukaba people for letting us share your land. We promise to look after it, the animals, and people too.”
Kindergarten Program (3.5 Years +)
Daily Program
As children progress through their early childhood years, they undertake a journey of discovery. Each day in the play-based early childhood program brings exciting new experiences which gradually build their understanding of the world and their place in it, and develop their confidence to participate in this world.
The daily program is structured to include both indoor and outdoor play, group and individual activities, teacher-directed and child-initiated activities, plus supervised meal times and rest time for all children, according to their age and requirements.
The Early Learning Centre operates a Queensland Approved Kindergarten Program which follows the Kindergarten curriculum focusing on child-centred activities which foster identity.
Hours of Operation
The Centre is open from 7am to 6pm. It is closed on weekends and public holidays, and there is a three-week closure around Christmas each year. The dates of the closure depend on when Christmas falls.
Starting Kindy Calculator
Your child can attend kindy in the year they turn 4 years old by 30 June. Use the kindy calculator to help you determine your child’s start year.
Date of Birth | Kindergarten | Prep |
July 2018 – June 2019 | 2023 | 2024 |
July 2019 – June 2020 | 2024 | 2025 |
July 2020 – June 2021 | 2025 | 2026 |
July 2021 – June 2022 | 2026 | 2027 |
July 2022 – June 2023 | 2027 | 2028 |
Amazing professionalism. The staff takes great pride in their jobs and it is clear that they care. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for other early learning centres. My child began feeling anxious and upset. Within a few weeks, he now enjoys his time in day-care. There are special programs to keep kids occupied and learning. A first-class centre.
My 1-year-old daughter is currently in the discoverer’s room at the ELC. Her teachers are absolutely fantastic! They have been excellent helping her settle in and supporting her to feel safe and secure. I would not send her anywhere else!
The Early Learning Centre incorporating Kindergarten operates an approved service under the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2011. The Centre is meeting the national quality standard regarding activities, programming, staff qualifications and child-staff ratios according to the current legislation.
Assessments of the service are conducted by the regulatory authority – the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) – against the National Quality Standard and National Law to ensure that the quality of education and care is being maintained.