In society, there is an increasing need for highly skilled workers.

Today’s school leavers entering the workforce need skills that meet the expectations of the 21st Century, and Vocational Education & Training (VET) programs have been developed and supported by the QLD Education System to assist students to meet these challenges.

What does a VET Program offer you?

With VET in Schools, you can:

  • Combine a vocational pathway with your studies at school
  • Complete a Certificate III in Business in regular school classes
  • Complete a variety of Certificate II – IV qualifications or a Diploma of Business outside regular school classes (e.g. TAFE, TCTC, PST, AGI) in an off-campus/online arrangement
  • Keep options open to pursue further vocational education courses post school
  • To strengthen employment opportunities post school
  • Keep both the ATAR and vocational pathways open simultaneously
  • Completion of Certificate III, IV, and Diploma level courses will provide a standalone ATAR value and may be used for entry into some University courses (providing other prerequisites are met)

At The Cathedral School we are committed to supporting a range of VET opportunities, both within the school and in partnership with other RTO’s (Registered Training Organisations), both on and off our school campus. Some VET courses may also be sourced on-line.

Entering Vocational Education studies at The Cathedral School

Students who choose vocational education courses at Cathedral will firstly undertake an induction program with their respective teacher (trainer and assessor). Within this program, it will be made explicitly clear the requirements for attaining the certificate that they are studying, including the OHS training and how to apply for RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) if a student has transferred from another school or has completed study with another institution or RTO provider.

Completion or partial completion of a certificate course

Throughout a course of study, as units of competency are successfully completed, the RTO will enter completed units of competency into the QCAA database. Upon completion of all the units of competency required for a Certificate course at the Cathedral School (this may include also RPL for units completed at other schools or institutions), a Certificate will be issued by the RTO or the QCAA. This will occur when the student completes their schooling in Year 12. If the Certificate course is not fully completed, a Statement of Attainment will be issued, showing all units which have been successfully completed.

Accessing records and issuing replacement certificates

The Cathedral School is not an RTO (Registered Training Organisation), and therefore uses third party providers to deliver vocational courses. If a former student requires a record of previous results from a VET course, they should contact the RTO that provided the training or log into their USI account to source Certificates and documentation. The school can be contacted for assistance if this is required.

Senior School Handbook

For more information on Vocational Courses offered at The Cathedral School, please download our Senior School Handbook or contact us to speak to our enrolments team.

Trade Pathways

Year 9 to Year 10 – Setting Your Goals

Whether you are leaning towards an academic or vocational pathway, Year 9 provides a great opportunity to explore your interests, discover your strengths, and make informed study choices for Year 10. 

It’s important to evaluate your current level in essential subjects such as mathematics to determine the most appropriate math courses for Year 10. For core studies, you have the option to focus on Workplace Skills, Humanities, and Science Essentials, or to undertake a full study of Sciences (four subjects) and Humanities (four subjects).
When selecting Year 10 electives, choose subjects that align with your strengths and future goals. Common trade-focused electives include Furnishing, Design Graphics, Engineering, and Health and Physical Education (HPE).

Years 10 to 12 – Trade Focussed Progression Planning

Year 10

  • Term 2 Trade Taster: Seven Tuesdays at TAFE , Bohle Campus, 8.30am-3pm (prompt enrolment in Term 1)
  • Term 2 Careers Week: An alternative week to Year 10 Camp, opportunity to explore options
  • Terms 3-4: Work Experience in a trade area of interest
  • Year 10 Subjects – Exploring areas of interest for Years 11 and 12

Year 11

  • TAFE on Wednesdays runs all year and is of Cert II level, Bohle Campus​ (Drop one line of study to take up TAFE)
  • Work experience around subject assessments and holidays. Students to decide on the quantity.
  • School-based Apprenticeship starts, once sure of the trade area and time to find a suitable employer (can begin any time over Years 10-12, Year 11 is most common)

 Year 12

  • TAFE on Wednesdays (additional course) to trial a second trade area and to increase employability post-school
  • Continual work experience to find the best employer for post-school and build experience and resume


  • School-based Apprenticeship days increased to two per week

Years 11 to 12 – Subject Selection Options
  • English: Essential or General
  • Math: Essential, General or Methods
  • Elective 1: ie TAFE/SBA/Vocational Pathway
  • Elective 2: ie Furnishing
  • Elective 3: ie Cert III in Business
  • Elective 4: Area of interest OR More work experience OR add a day to school-based apprenticeship

Our Pathways Manager/Careers Advisor can customise a pathway to suit the individual’s strengths and interests from Year 9 through to Year 12.

Vocational courses offered at The Cathedral School


Binnacle Training (RTO 31319)
Combination of classroom and project-based learning, online learning (self-study), and practical work-related experience.

This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a variety of entry-level Business Services job roles. The program will be delivered through class-based tasks as well as both simulated and real business
environments at the school – involving the delivery of a range of projects and activities within the school community.
An excellent work readiness program where students develop a range of essential workplace skills.

This program also includes a range of career pathway options including pathway into BSB30120 Certificate III in Business.

Units of competency: 1-Year Format*
*Packaged as a 4-Term Format however can be delivered over 2-Years.

BSBPEF202 – Plan and apply time management
BSBPEF302 – Develop self-awareness
BSBWHS211 – Contribute to the health and safety of self and others
BSBSUS211 – Participate in sustainable work practices
BSBCMM211 – Apply communication skills
BSBTEC201 – Use business software applications
BSBTEC202 – Use digital technologies to communicate in a work environment
BSBOPS201 – Work effectively in business environments
BSBTWK201 – Work effectively with others
BSBCRT201 – Develop and apply thinking and problem-solving skills

The number and variety of courses offered is endless and can be tailored to suit an individual student’s needs in their area of interest.


  • BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills (max. 4 QCE Credits).
  • A range of career pathway options including a pathway into BSB30120 Certificate III in Business.


Binnacle Training (RTO 31319)
Combination of classroom and project-based learning, online learning (self-study), and practical work-related experience.

This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a variety of Business Services job roles.
The program will be delivered through class-based tasks as well as both simulated and real business environments at the school – involving the delivery of a range of projects and services within the school community.

This program also includes the following:
› Student opportunities to design for a new product or service as part of our (non-accredited) Entrepreneurship Project – Binnacle Boss
› Students examine business opportunities and participate in an Industry discovery

An excellent work readiness program where students develop a range of essential workplace skills.

Units of competency: (Two-year course)

BSBPEF201 – Support personal wellbeing in the workplace
BSBPEF301 – Organise personal work priorities
FNSFLT311 – Develop and apply knowledge of personal finances
BSBWHS311 – Assist with maintaining workplace safety
BSBSUS211 – Participate in sustainable work practices
BSBXCM301 – Engage in workplace communication
BSBTWK301 – Use inclusive work practices
BSBXTW301 – Work in a team
BSBCRT311 – Apply critical thinking skills in a team environment
BSBTEC301 – Design and produce business documents
BSBWRT311 – Write simple documents
BSBTEC303 – Create electronic presentations
BSBOPS304 – Deliver and monitor a service to customers


  • BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (max. 8 QCE Credits).
    Successful completion of Certificate III in Business may contribute towards a student’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).


(The subject levy includes the cost of the 4 units of competency listed below)

The Hospitality Practices subject as outlined on page 39 of the Senior School Handbook, will embed the following units within the curriculum.

Food Handling and Introduction to Barista Skill Set including:

Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety
Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee
Serve Food and Beverages

Other external providers


Certificate (Cert) I in Construction
Cert II in Engineering Pathways
Cert II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
Cert II in Electro-technology
Cert II in Plumbing
Cert II in Furniture Making Pathways
Cert II in Automotive Electrical Technology
Cert II in Autonomous Technologies
Cert II in Sustainable ?
Cert II in Health Support Services
Cert II in Salon Assistant
Cert II in Kitchen Operations (Cooking)
Cert II in Retail Cosmetics

Please note: these courses are offered all day on Wednesdays for one year in term time.


Cert II in Creative Industries-Screen (Film-making)
Cert II/III in Creative Industries-Animation
Cert III in Information, Digital Media and Technology (Game Programming)
Cert II in Printing and Graphic Arts
Cert II/III in Music Industry
Cer III in Photography

TCTC also offers the above six study areas as Cert III programs with the equivalent Cert II program required as a pre-requisite.


Cert IV in Justice Studies
Diploma of Business
Diploma of Leadership and Event Management


Cert III and IV in Fitness
Cert II in Animal Studies
Cert II in Rural Operations (equine electives)
Cert II and III in Agriculture
Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Cert II and III in Sport and Recreation

School-based Traineeships and Apprenticeships (SBA’s) can be undertaken in a variety of industry areas, commencing from Year 10 onward and starting at any time in the school year. Most commonly, apprenticeships are started in the trade, hairdressing, and cookery areas, while traineeships occur most commonly in the business, finance, childcare, agriculture, retail, and fitness industries.

