School Policies & Procedures
Every organisation needs rules and policies to govern its day-to-day operations.
In a school, it is important that everybody understands the expectations of behaviour and the manner in which issues should be dealt with. This enables staff, students and parents, to have confidence that procedures will be consistent and transparent.
At Cathedral, the School Board is responsible for formulating and reviewing policies. The Principal and staff use these policies as a framework or set of guidelines within which to operate.
CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television)
The School utilises a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system which is in operation 24 hours per day. The purpose of CCTV is to ensure a safe and secure work and learning environment. Cameras are located externally and in some common areas within the Junior, Middle and Senior School and Boarding Houses as well as internally and externally within the Early Learning Centre and Dining Hall. Signage is in place to advise visitors, staff and students that cameras are in operation. Recordings may be used to assist in responding to complaints, aid in the investigation of incidents and misconduct, detect crime and reduce the likelihood of theft or damage to school assets. The school’s CCTV Policy is available upon request.