School Policies & Procedures

Every organisation needs rules and policies to govern its day-to-day operations.

In a school, it is important that everybody understands the expectations of behaviour and the manner in which issues should be dealt with. This enables staff, students and parents, to have confidence that procedures will be consistent and transparent.

At Cathedral, the School Board is responsible for formulating and reviewing policies. The Principal and staff use these policies as a framework or set of guidelines within which to operate.

School Governance

CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television)

The School utilises a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system which is in operation 24 hours per day. The purpose of CCTV is to ensure a safe and secure work and learning environment. Cameras are located externally and in some common areas within the Junior, Middle and Senior School and Boarding Houses as well as internally and externally within the Early Learning Centre and Dining Hall. Signage is in place to advise visitors, staff and students that cameras are in operation. Recordings may be used to assist in responding to complaints, aid in the investigation of incidents and misconduct, detect crime and reduce the likelihood of theft or damage to school assets. The school’s CCTV Policy is available upon request.

Student Protection

The Cathedral School supports the rights of children and young people and is committed to ensuring the safety, welfare and wellbeing of students.  The Cathedral School is committed to responding to allegations of student harm resulting from the conduct or actions of any person including that of employees. Please refer to the school’s Student Protection Manual for further information.

This commitment includes the provision of a safe and supportive living and learning environment for all students and requires all employees, volunteers and visitors to model and encourage behaviour that upholds the dignity and protection of students from harm.

Behaviour Management

The Cathedral School is committed to fostering a respectful, safe, and supportive learning environment through a structured Behaviour Management Policy. This policy aligns with the school’s pastoral care framework, ensuring students develop self-discipline while upholding the school’s ethos.

Key Principles

  • Respect & Responsibility: All students, teachers, and parents have rights and responsibilities to create a positive school culture.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Students are encouraged to develop self-awareness and resilience.
  • Clear Expectations: High standards of behaviour are expected both in and out of the classroom.

Behaviour Expectations & Guidelines

  • School Rules: Covering attendance, uniform, personal conduct, use of mobile phones, and travel.
  • Anti-Bullying Measures: A three-stage response system ensures bullying is addressed promptly and effectively.
  • Consequences & Interventions: Ranging from guidance and detentions to counselling, suspension, or possible enrolment cancellation for extreme cases.

The House and Tutor system plays a crucial role in behaviour management, providing ongoing support for students. The school works in partnership with parents to ensure a fair, transparent, and proactive approach to student wellbeing.

For more details, refer to the Behaviour Management Manual available via the link below.

Compliment, Complaint or Suggestion

The Cathedral School recognises that an effective complaints management system will improve school services. The school welcomes all forms of feedback, including compliments, complaints, and suggestions on its services and products. If you have any compliments, complaints, or suggestions that you wish to report, please fill out the below form. Complaints will be handled in accordance with the school’s Complaint Management Procedure.

International Student Policies

Entry Requirements for International Students
The Cathedral School welcomes applications from international students who meet academic and English proficiency standards. Admission is subject to Australian visa regulations and school policies. Applicants must provide academic records, English test results (if required), and a reference from their current school. Students may need to complete additional English courses before full enrolment if their proficiency is below the required level.

Course Progress and Attendance Policy
International students must maintain satisfactory academic progress and a minimum 80% attendance rate to comply with visa regulations. Academic progress is monitored each semester, with intervention strategies in place for students at risk of failing. If a student falls below attendance or academic requirements, they may be reported to Australian immigration authorities, which could impact their visa status.

Both policies ensure international students receive appropriate support while meeting educational and visa requirements.
