ANZAC Day 2024

ANZAC Day 2024

Cathedral Boarding students and staff at the ANZAC Day Dawn Service, ANZAC Park, The Strand.

There Was a Year Once

By Anneliese Stillwell – Year 8

There was a year once,  
And is a year still, 
When the sun’s light ceased to shine, 
And left a place that nothing could a-fill.  

There was a year once, 
And is a year still, 
When the hearts of mothers and daughters a-wept, 
For places a-lost that could never be filled.  

Many a hero fell unpraised, 
Many a father would never be raised.  
Many a champion would go enclaved, 
Silenced once and forever by a poppy-red grave.  

The world bled that year, 
It bled and bleads still.  
Weather it was open wounds on battle fields, 
Or hearts that didn’t cease to spill.  

Many a brave soul was called home, 
Many a soldier left their body of bones.  
For fathers, sons, husbands and friends, 
The world would cry out, and cry it does still.  

There was a year once, 
And is a year still, 
When the hearts of mothers and daughters a-wept, 
For places a-lost that could never be filled. 

Many a hero fell unpraised, 
Many a father would never be raised.  
Many a champion would go enclaved, 
Silenced once and forever by a poppy-red grave. 

In the morning, they rose a-ready, 
Many a sleepless night they marched on a-weary. 
With endurance they fought on, 
And in courage they faced the fields they would fall upon.  

From the playing of the bugle,  
To the fall of restless heads upon pillows, 
Our brave men fought on and on, 
Even in the midst of the gathering billows.  

The hearts of their loved ones raged another battle.  
 One of doubt, and pain, and – oh- endless heartbreak.  
Theirs was a battle that made many a steady breath a-rattle, 
Caught on emotions of which suppression was the not the only sprattle.  

There was a year once, 
And is a year still, 
When the hearts of mothers and daughters a-wept, 
For places a-lost that could never be filled. 

Many a hero fell unpraised, 
Many a father would never be raised.  
Many a champion would go enclaved, 
Silenced once and forever by a poppy-red grave. 

And so now, on this day, almost a century a-since, 
We will pause, we will recall, we will honour many-a prince 
For they didn’t need a title, nor royal descent, 
To be the greatest men and soldiers that this world will ever a-let.


Remembrance Day 2023

Remembrance Day 2023

The Cathedral School is proud of its strong connection to the Defence community and is privileged to have Cathedral parent Major Paul Garth of the 5th Aviation Regiment as a guest speaker at our Remembrance Day services.

Paul’s children Chelsea (Year 3) and Liam (Year 1) are part of the Junior School Defence Club, which was responsible for creating the magnificent display at the entrance of Heatley House. Each poppy colour represents a unique aspect of Remembrance Day; Red, a memorial to World War I and following conflicts; White, remembering people who died in conflict with a focus on an end to war; Purple, remembering animal victims of war; and Black, commemorating the contributions of black, African and Carribean communities to the war effort – as servicemen and servicewomen, and as civilians.

Major Paul spoke about the ultimate sacrifice made by those who have fallen, and another great sacrifice of time being spent away from family – in reflection of his extended service in the Afghanistan conflict.

We thank all of those who currently serve, and remember those we have lost in conflict.

Lest we forget.

ANZAC Day 2023

ANZAC Day 2023

The Cathedral School welcomed members of 1st Battalion – Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR) to The Cathedral School for our ANZAC Day Service with guest speaker Corporal Mengersen addressing the students.

The soldiers displayed their military vehicles and combat equipment, and provided demonstrations throughout the day. Students and staff also represented the school at the Dawn Service march and laying of the wreath at various locations around Townsville, including Magnetic Island and the Strand.

Pictured: Boarders Logan Muller and Josh Murphy at the ANZAC Dawn Service at the Strand, Townsville.

Valedictory Service 2022

Valedictory Service 2022

The Year 12 students and families gathered at St James’ Cathedral last night for their final chapel service, led by school chaplain Fr. Tim Adkins.
Photography by Jo Duncan.