Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” Malala Yousafzai
The Junior School strives to be a caring, Christian community in which children are challenged and inspired to explore, learn and grow so they will become responsible global citizens with a deep sense of empathy and understanding.
Prep to Year 6
In the Junior School we place a great emphasis on nurturing and developing the whole child. From literacy and numeracy to the arts and sciences, our thematic and interdisciplinary approach allows students to make meaningful connections across subjects.
Our staff place the utmost importance on each child’s wellbeing every day. Through our Religious and Values Education programme, Assemblies, Chapel Services and our Student Leadership Program, students are taught important social, leadership and team building skills.
We value the vital role parents and caregivers play in their child’s education. We foster the relationships between the child, the family and the school through our ‘Triangle of Care’. Parents are kept well informed about their child’s education through a variety of formal and informal communication channels, and we welcome the involvement of parents in classroom learning experiences.
In the Junior School, we pride ourselves on fostering an environment where curiosity is ignited, critical and creative thinking is valued, and the love of learning is cultivated.
I invite you to visit our beautiful campus and to talk to us about how we canassist your child on his or her educational journey.
Louise Anderson
Head of Junior School
Preparatory Program
The Prep program is child-centred and fosters the development of social, emotional, cognitive, creative and physical skills.
The indoor and outdoor learning areas provide a stimulating and challenging environment that supports the well-rounded development of each child.
Working alongside children, teachers initiate opportunities for them to express their thoughts and ideas, to test their theories and to reflect upon their thinking. Learning occurs in active, interactive, individual and collaborative situations.
Physical education, music and library are an integral part of the Prep program, giving students access to specialist teachers. Children also participate enthusiastically in their weekly chapel service.
Prep is a 5-day program, operating from 8.35am till 3.00pm each day from Monday to Friday. Extended care is available in our Outside School Hours Care program.
Years 1 to 6
Children are naturally inquisitive and always want to explore and learn new things. It is our goal to foster and develop that enthusiasm to ensure that our students become happy and confident life-long learners.
At Cathedral, we believe that it is very important to provide varied and stimulating programs so that students will develop a love of learning which they will carry throughout their lives.
Our students benefit from:
- Broad-based curriculum with high academic standards
- Classroom-based enrichment dependent on individual student needs
- Assistance for students with special needs (learning support)
- Excellent music program with specialist teachers and instrumental tuition
- Outstanding physical education and outdoor education programs
- LOTE program in Japanese
- Information Communication Technology across the curriculum
- User-friendly Information Resource Centre (library)
- Christian education, beliefs and values
- Caring, supportive environment
- Air-conditioned classrooms and shady grounds
- Outside School Hours Care and Vacation program
Moving our family to Cathedral was the right decision. Our children are happy, engaged and genuinely thriving. Cathedral supports individuality and makes learning fun and interesting. I can relax knowing what matters most to me is also what matters to the teachers and staff.
Anne Musumeci
Prep Open Day
Investing in your child’s education in the early years cultivates healthy habits for learning, develops mindsets, positive relationships, and character strengths.
Our Prep Open Day is a special classroom experience for kindergarten-aged children and their parents to find out what the first year of school offers at The Cathedral Junior School.
Bookings are essential. Reserve your place today!
Register Now