Pathways to University

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At Cathedral, we are committed to guiding students through their educational journey, ensuring they are well-prepared for university. In Years 11 and 12, students have the opportunity to tailor their studies to align with their future aspirations. Our comprehensive curriculum, expert career counselling, and a variety of academic and vocational subjects help students achieve their goals.

By offering pathways such as the ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank), VET (Vocational Education and Training), and customised university preparation programs, we support each student in navigating the transition from secondary education to university successfully. Our dedicated staff and resources are here to help every student reach their full potential and secure a place in their desired university course.


International students often believe they must study the International Baccalaureate (IB) in Years 11 and 12 to gain admission to universities. While the IB is an internationally accepted qualification, it is not the only path to the world’s elite universities.

Many universities publish a comprehensive list of accepted secondary school qualifications in their entry requirements, which includes the Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (SSCE). Recognised by the Group of Eight Australian Universities and their international counterparts, both the IB and SSCE are valid qualifications for university entry.

When deciding whether to study the IB or SSCE, there are several important factors to consider.
In Australia, an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) score reflects a student’s academic performance relative to their peers. Universities use ATAR scores for higher education course admissions. IB scores must be converted into an ATAR to be assessed for entry into Australian universities.
The IB program requires students to study six subjects from six groups: two language groups, humanities, science, math, and the arts. In contrast, the SSCE offers flexibility, allowing students to tailor their subject choices to align with their strengths, interests, and career goals.
The Cathedral School’s Senior Schooling provides a diverse range of academic and applied subjects, work-ready certifications, and Diploma-level qualifications. Additionally, personal and professional development programs aim to give students a competitive edge, enhancing their chances of gaining admission to top universities and succeeding in their future careers.

What is CRICOS?

Education Services for Overseas Students Act

In 2000, Australia introduced the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act. Under ESOS, institutions are obliged to meet certain requirements in order to enrol international students. Every Australian institution that meets these requirements is listed on the publicly available Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). The requirements covered under ESOS include stringent standards for marketing activities, education delivery, facilities, and student support services. If an institution does not meet the standards for any one of these requirements, it isn’t registered, and cannot enroll international students. For this reason, potential employers know that students who have studied in Australia have received some of the highest quality education available. It is important to note, however, that people who enter Australia on a non-student visa do not have the assurance provided to most international students under ESOS.*

* Source: International

Cathedral Graduate Success

Most Cathedral graduates pursuing the university pathway receive their first choice of university and course preference. In 2022, 80% of our Year 12 Graduates received their first choice of course and university, with several graduates also receiving substantial scholarship offers from universities across Queensland. In 2022 the Cathedral graduates achieved a median ATAR of 90 versus the state median of 79.

Applying for University in Australia

Our Careers Advisor and Director of Studies guide students through the university application process, to ensure they meet the specific requirements of their preferred university and course. The process begins early in senior school to develop a path around the student’s strengths and interests – allowing time to choose subjects that will provide the maximum scores towards specific courses, and keeping a wide range of options open if circumstances or interests change.


Pathway to Business

There are multiple options in Senior School when choosing a Pathway to a Bachelor of Business. Students following either ATAR QCE or Vocational QCE have the option to complete a Cert II Business, Cert III Business, or Diploma of Business, in Senior School. Our Pathways Manager can help you choose a path that suits your interests and abilities.
ATAR QCE Pathways

Senior School Year 11 & Year 12 Subjects*

  1. General Math
  2. General English
  3. Economics
  4. Accounting
  5. General Elective
  6. +/- General Elective

Best 5 Subjects, ATAR up to 99.95 > Apply for Bachelor of Business (No IELTS Test) > University

Year 11 & 12 Subjects > Cert II Business > Diploma of Business (Diploma equivalent to ATAR 82) > Best 5 Subjects, ATAR up to 99.95 > Apply for Bachelor of Business (No IELTS Test) > University

Year 11 & 12 Subjects > Cert II Business > Cert III Business (equivalent to ATAR 68) > Apply for Diploma of Business (No IELTS Test) > University

Vocational QCE Pathways

Senior School Year 11 & Year 12 Subjects*

  1. Essential Math
  2. Essential English
  3. Applied Elective
  4. Applied Elective

Year 11 & 12 Subjects > Cert III Business > Diploma of Business (Diploma equivalent to ATAR 82) > Best 5 Subjects, ATAR up to 99.95 > Apply for Bachelor of Business (No IELTS Test) > University

Year 11 & 12 Subjects > Cert II Workplace Skills > Cert III Business (equivalent to ATAR 68) > Apply for Diploma of Business (No IELTS Test) > University

Summer School

How To Enrol

To apply for international enrolment at The Cathedral School, please follow these steps:

Step 1

Fill in the Application for Enrolment online. Upload passport, school reports, English test, diagnosis, and medical reports. Pay a non-refundable Application Fee ($300 AUD). The application is reviewed and suitable applicants will be invited to an interview via video link.

Step 2

Successful applicants will receive a Letter of Offer, Written Agreement, and Invoice. To accept, sign, and return the Written Agreement and pay the nonrefundable Confirmation Fee within 14 days.

Step 3

The school will issue CoE, CaaW, and OSHC Policy.

Step 4

Apply for a student visa and once received send through a copy of the Visa Grant Notice. A complete enrolment package will be sent prior to commencement.

Step 5

Arrive at Townsville Airport on Boarders' Travel Day. Free airport transfer available. Attend Orientation.

Find Out More

International Student Handbook

Schedule of Fees

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International Student Handbook

Schedule of Fees

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