Pre-Service Teacher Trailblazer

Are you a pre-service teacher completing your third or final year in 2025 and passionate about educating for lifelong success? Do you love the idea of helping children reach their full potential – academically, physically, culturally, socially, and spiritually? Are you interested in jump-starting your teaching career by building connections and developing your professional identity in one of Queensland’s leading independent co-educational day and boarding schools?Then The Cathedral School wants you!WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR:• Energy, enthusiasm, and a trailblazing mindset.• Involvement in one year-level outdoor education camp and leadership of one extra-curricular activity for the duration of the season/school year (200 hours).• Completion of your final professional experience at The Cathedral School, if possible.WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE:• Knowledge of students, curriculum, and the independent school context.• Insight into the professional practices, values, skills, and knowledge required in theteaching profession.• $7,000 stipend in recognition of your engagement in the co-curricular life of the school.APPLICATION PROCESS:Send a cover letter, curriculum vitae including the contact details of two professional referees, and your latest academic transcript Launch your career by becoming a Pre-service Teacher Trailblazer @ Cathedral!Trailblazer flyer 7000 AUD Mundingburra 4812