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At Cathedral, we are committed to guiding students through their educational journey, ensuring they are well-prepared for university, vocational education, or direct employment. In Years 11 and 12, students have the opportunity to tailor their studies to align with their future aspirations. Our comprehensive curriculum, expert career counselling, and a variety of academic and vocational subjects help students achieve their goals.

By offering pathways such as the ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank), VET (Vocational Education and Training), and customised university preparation programs, we support each student in navigating the transition from secondary education to their chosen future successfully. Our dedicated staff and resources are here to help every student reach their full potential, whether they aim for university, further vocational education, or immediate employment.

University Pathways

A focus on QCE and ATAR to meet University requirements

Vocational Pathways

Gain certifications and industry experience in senior school

Summer School

How To Enrol

To apply for international enrolment at The Cathedral School, please follow these steps:

Step 1

Fill in the Application for Enrolment online. Upload passport, school reports, English test, diagnosis, and medical reports. Pay a non-refundable Application Fee ($300 AUD). The application is reviewed and suitable applicants will be invited to an interview via video link.

Step 2

Successful applicants will receive a Letter of Offer, Written Agreement, and Invoice. To accept, sign, and return the Written Agreement and pay the nonrefundable Confirmation Fee within 14 days.

Step 3

The school will issue CoE, CaaW, and OSHC Policy.

Step 4

Apply for a student visa and once received send through a copy of the Visa Grant Notice. A complete enrolment package will be sent prior to commencement.

Step 5

Arrive at Townsville Airport on Boarders' Travel Day. Free airport transfer available. Attend Orientation.