ANZAC Day 2023

ANZAC Day 2023

The Cathedral School welcomed members of 1st Battalion – Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR) to The Cathedral School for our ANZAC Day Service with guest speaker Corporal Mengersen addressing the students.

The soldiers displayed their military vehicles and combat equipment, and provided demonstrations throughout the day. Students and staff also represented the school at the Dawn Service march and laying of the wreath at various locations around Townsville, including Magnetic Island and the Strand.

Pictured: Boarders Logan Muller and Josh Murphy at the ANZAC Dawn Service at the Strand, Townsville.

New playground for the Junior School

New playground for the Junior School

The Cathedral School is in the process of creating a natural adventure playground for the Junior School with the design inspiring creativity, encouraging a sense of adventure, and providing plenty of physical challenges. The open deck surrounding the existing Melaleuca tree will allow for outdoor learning experiences and become a great place for children to take a break between play.

Artist’s concepts provided by Everything Outside.

Replacing the existing playground, the project is expected to be completed in early Term 2. Funding for the playground has been kindly provided by the school in partnership with the P&F Association, and is being constructed by outdoor playground specialists Everything Outside.

Bill Nettle Challenge

Bill Nettle Challenge

Highlights from the 2023 ‘Bill Nettle Challenge’ at Brothers Leagues Club.

On Friday 31 March, The Cathedral School Rugby League Academy Under 12s team participated in the annual ‘Bill Nettle Challenge against school teams across Townsville. The team had two wins and two close losses, and played a great day of footy in very hot conditions.

Photography by Michael Porter.

Musicals & Instrumentals 2023

Musicals & Instrumentals 2023

The Interhouse Musical and Instrumental performances on Friday 24 March were highly entertaining. Congratulations to Bede for their drought-breaking win in the Musicals, with More edging out Bede in the Instrumental by 4 points.
Thank you to all performers and staff for their hard work behind the scenes, to Bonnie Nicholas – Head of Arts, Kellie Rich – Head of Instrumental Music and Dance, Jo Duncan – Photography, and our amazing adjudicators, Tony Woodhouse and Claire Dickson.
The results were:
1st on 186 points – More
2nd on 182 points – Bede
3rd on 180 points – Langton
4th on 177 points – Chatham
1st on 184 points – Bede
Tied 2nd on 179 points – More and Chatham
3rd on 170 points – Langton

Bede House

Chatham House

Langton House

More House