Cathedral Equestrian Team

Cathedral Equestrian Team

The Cathedral School has a small but talented team of riders, competing in various Equestrian events in around the North QLD region.
Recently, two students from Year 7 competed in the Moondarga Horse and Pony Club Interschools Competition with great success.

Pictured: Madisen McKenzie and Lily Lowis at the Moondarga Horse & Pony Club, Kelso.

‘On the last weekend of the school holidays, Madisen McKenzie and I represented Cathedral at the Moondarga Horse and Pony Club Interschools Competition.
Twenty-two schools from Townsville and surrounds attended the two-day event and Cathedral came fifth, which was an amazing achievement with only two riders competing!
Madisen received a First in Best Presented and Reserve Champion for Showjumping and Dressage on her horse Ronaldo.
I achieved 2 thirds in the Gymkhana events and a Highly Commended in the Show Jumping 60 cm, with my new horse, Dolly,  who I had only been riding for three days and she had never jumped before.
We look forward to having a bigger team and further success next year!’
– Lily Lowis, Year 7

To find out more about the Cathedral School Equestrian Team, please contact Katie Godfrey.

National Tree Day 2021

National Tree Day 2021

The Townsville City Council recently invited local schools to participate in the Schools National Tree Day 2021. The purpose was to help improve urban habitat and biodiversity in the Townsville area.

The schools were invited to Riverway to be presented with a participation certificate as well as receiving all the necessary equipment involved in planting the native trees and grasses. Each school was provided with ten local native plant saplings including TerraCottem Physical Soil Conditioner, Gardening Kit (this includes gloves and garden tools), and a tree planting and maintenance information package. The school will also get up to 10m2 of fine organic mulch delivered to the school.
The Sustainable Guardians were keen to participate in National Tree Day as this is a focus of the group; to improve the environment and encourage native wildlife in the school grounds. The maintenance and planting of these plants will be under the supervision of the Sustainable Guardians. To find out more visit the Townsville City Council website.

Leos Club Easter Surprise

Leos Club Easter Surprise

The Cathedral School Leo Club invited a couple of special guests to the school over Easter. Bandi Bear accepted a gift of stuffed toys and Easter eggs on behalf of the Brighter Lives Townsville Hospital Foundation. The gift was delivered to the children in the Children’s Ward at Townsville University Hospital. The club usually visits the ward in person but has been unable to over the past couple of years due to the pandemic.

The Easter Bunny and the Leos then visited the ELC and Kindergarten to surprise the children and deliver some Easter Eggs and smiles.


Toastmaster’s Gavel Club 2021 Update

Toastmaster’s Gavel Club 2021 Update

This week, we kicked off our first meeting of Toasties. With the elections during the meeting, members voted for who they believed would be able to fulfill their job as an executive member.

The President for 2021 is Aidan Millers who won by a landslide. Jonathan Cavallo is the Vice-President of Education, Vice-President of Public relations is Talia Havenaar, Secretary is Ashlin Heyward, Social Director is Abraham Gardner and the Sergeants-at-arms are Xavier Hood, Mathew Neilsen, and Caleb Campbell. These are all very capable people who were elected and voted into their roles because they all possess tremendous amounts of leadership potential.

Last year, we had an amazing group of Year 12s leave the club, and hopefully our seniors this year will rise to the challenge. Our Toastmasters’ Club is always happy to welcome new members from Years 10 to 12. Meetings run till 4:45 pm on a Monday; afternoon tea is always spread on a table and before meetings, it’s nice to talk to fellow members and catch up.

During the meetings, we practice our public speaking skills and support each other through our journey of becoming more confident in our speaking. To answer your question, yes, we do make toast. And some would say we make the best chip sandwiches!

Talia Havenaar
Vice-President Public Relations

The President for 2021 is Aidan Millers who won by a landslide. Jonathan Cavallo is the Vice-President of Education, Vice-President of Public relations is Talia Havenaar, Secretary is Ashlin Heyward, Social Director is Abraham Gardner and the Sergeants-at-arms are Xavier Hood, Mathew Neilsen, and Caleb Campbell. These are all very capable people who were elected and voted into their roles because they all possess tremendous amounts of leadership potential.

Last year, we had an amazing group of Year 12s leave the club, and hopefully our seniors this year will rise to the challenge. Our Toastmasters’ Club is always happy to welcome new members from Years 10 to 12. Meetings run till 4:45 pm on a Monday; afternoon tea is always spread on a table and before meetings, it’s nice to talk to fellow members and catch up.

During the meetings, we practice our public speaking skills and support each other through our journey of becoming more confident in our speaking. To answer your question, yes, we do make toast. And some would say we make the best chip sandwiches!

Talia Havenaar
Vice-President Public Relations

Good Things Come In Small Packages

Good Things Come In Small Packages

Two hundred women will have access to a more hygienic birthing environment thanks to the students of Cathedral’s Leos Club.

On Thursday the 27th of August, club members assembled 200 birthing kits that will help many women in developing countries across the world.

During lunch, 15 members of the Leos Club assembled the kits, putting together a sheet of plastic, gauze, a scalpel, string, soap and gloves, which will help provide a more hygienic and safer childbirth for women who do not have access to medical resources or facilities.

The Leos purchased the birthing kits from Zonta International. The organisation has revealed that every hour, 33 women die of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth, and an estimated 385,000 women die annually in childbirth, many from preventable infections. Zonta representative Beth Snewin managed the school project and educated Leos on the importance of the birthing kits.

The project is part of a wider initiative conducted by KIT (Know, Innovate, Transform) International, which has distributed 2.2 million Clean Birth Kits to women in need. By providing these valuable birthing kits to women in developing countries, the Leos Club aims to help improve maternal and newborn health and reduce infant mortality rates.

On Thursday the 27th of August, club members assembled 200 birthing kits that will help many women in developing countries across the world.

During lunch, 15 members of the Leos Club assembled the kits, putting together a sheet of plastic, gauze, a scalpel, string, soap and gloves, which will help provide a more hygienic and safer childbirth for women who do not have access to medical resources or facilities.

The Leos purchased the birthing kits from Zonta International. The organisation has revealed that every hour, 33 women die of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth, and an estimated 385,000 women die annually in childbirth, many from preventable infections. Zonta representative Beth Snewin managed the school project and educated Leos on the importance of the birthing kits.

The project is part of a wider initiative conducted by KIT (Know, Innovate, Transform) International, which has distributed 2.2 million Clean Birth Kits to women in need. By providing these valuable birthing kits to women in developing countries, the Leos Club aims to help improve maternal and newborn health and reduce infant mortality rates.

Launch Into Robotics At Cathedral

Launch Into Robotics At Cathedral

Do you have an interest in robotics, coding and creating mechanical objects and you’re in senior school? Then the newly formed Robotics Club is for you! Run by Senior Digital Technologies teacher Ms Tiina Kaupplia, the club is a place where students can create, play around with and explore robotics, regardless of their skill level.

Ms Kaupplia conceived the idea for the club after attending a conference in Melbourne, where she saw the prospect of robotics as something that Cathedral students would take an interest in. “I thought it would also be good for coding students who want to learn practical applications of coding,” she said. Firstly students follow instructions to create their robots, and from there they are guided to go freeform and modify the robots to suit their objectives. The club’s ultimate goal is to have at least one team attend the State VEX Robotics competition at the Gold Coast later on in the year.

Club member Mark Campbell (Yr 10) has been learning about coding at Cathedral since last year, and said he had a genuine interest in robotics and engineering. The Robotics Club runs in Room Q2 on Days 2 and 5.