Exercise Puk Puk

Exercise Puk Puk

Earlier this year, Junior School families donated books and school supplies to be sent to two schools on Manus Island. The boxes of supplies were presented to Special Purpose Receiver Towns and Lance Corporal MacDonald from the 25th Squadron, by the school Defence Club students.

As part of ‘Exercise Puk Puk’, the Australian Army sent the 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment to Lobrum Primary School, and Papitalai Secondary School to undertake much-needed renovations and deliver the donated school supplies.

‘Exercise Puk Puk’ is an annual engineering exercise involving military personnel from Papua New Guinea, Australia, the UK, and other partner nations.

The video above was recently sent to The Cathedral School, to thank the students and families for supporting young students on Manus.

Wonder Walk 2023

Wonder Walk 2023


To raise ourselves or others to a higher level

Cultivating curiosity and igniting imagination, Wonder Walk is a transformative event that invites the community to embark on a journey of discovery, inspiration, and connection. Through interactive exhibits, immersive experiences, and thought-provoking activities, this celebration aims to ignite the spark of curiosity within everyone, opening the doors to a world of endless possibilities and a lifelong love for exploration and learning.

On the final day of Term 3, the Rock Centre was filled with proud parents and friends, each learning about the wonders of the world from the perspective of the Junior School and Kindy students. Explore the photo gallery below to discover how the students interpreted this years theme ‘Elevate’.

Red Nose Day Fundraiser

Red Nose Day Fundraiser

The Junior School recently dressed in red for Red Nose Australia, raising a staggering $700.
A cheque was presented to the James Family at assembly, to tip their fundraising efforts over $60,000.
Head of Junior School, Luke Baills confirmed the fundraiser will continue into the future. ‘We are proud of the Junior School’s efforts to raise $700 and look forward to supporting this worthy cause again in 2024.’

If you would like to support the James’ Family fundraiser for Red Nose Australia, please visit: rednoseday.org.au/fundraisers/tenillejames3006/tribute

Tenille James, Haley McKenzie, Kennedy James, Madisen McKenzie, Harley James and Bailey McKenzie
Book Week 2023

Book Week 2023

Book Week Character Parade

Cardboard, papier mâché, patience, plastic, paint, hair spray, make-up, glue guns, and unlimited imagination. These were some of the key ingredients for the amazing costumes created by children and families in this year’s Book Week Character Parade.

Children from Kindy through to Year 6 paraded their costumes in front of an excited crowd of students and parents, with teachers and staff joining in the fun with their own favourite children’s book character outfits. Encouraged by Gerald The Giraffe (aka Mr. Baills), there was plenty of dancing and strutting, with prizes awarded to the best dressed (by three mystery judges), from each year level.

Best Dressed Awards

Alfie ‘Very Cranky Bear’ and Jia ‘Hungry Caterpillar’

Billie J (Prep S) – ‘Rabbit’ and Raener Y (Prep C) – ‘I Went Walking’

Year 1
Camdyn C (1T) – ‘Jack & The Bean Stalk’ and Ingrid T (1T) – ‘Cruella de Vil’

Year 2
Marlo H (2S) – ‘Ladybird’ and Thomas C (2C) – ‘Grug’

Year 3
Hayley P (3C) and Harrison M (3T)

Year 4
Elias S (4C), Helena E (4C), Chloe B (4S), Maria G (4T) – ‘Guac On Toast’

Year 5
Lillie S (5C) – ‘Te Fiti/Te Ka’ and John Scanlan (5C) ‘Greg from Diary of a Wimpy Kid’

Year 6
Preston C (6S) – ‘Gandalf’ and Elizabeth W (6S) – ‘Froggy’

Year 5 Camp 2023

Year 5 Camp 2023

One of the highlights of the year, the Hidden Valley Camp is something that creates life-long memories for the Year 5 students. Located in the Paluma National Park, the young adventurers get to explore some of the most rugged and beautiful environments that North QLD has to offer, with challenges and activities such as raft building, archery, abseiling, bike riding, and more. 

Day 1 Highlights. 19 July 2023.

Palm Island Netball & Rugby Challenge

Palm Island Netball & Rugby Challenge

Highlights from the 2023 Obe Geia Rugby Challenge, and Kathy Tarpaulin Netball Challenge on Palm Island.

On Friday 26 March, The Cathedral School Junior Rugby & Netball teams boarded the ferry to Palm Island to participate in the Obe Geia (Rugby), and Kathy Tarpaulin (Netball) Challenge.

The rugby team played four games, coming away with one win, and were competitive in the other three, showing pleasing development among the players as the day progressed.

With the return of the Kathy Tarpaulin Netball Challenge, Rebecca Bullock’s team proudly came home with the shield, remaining undefeated throughout the tournament.


‘Our Year 6 Netball Academy team travelled to Palm Island to compete in the Kathy Tarpaulin Netball Challenge. This is the first time this competition has run for several years, so it was wonderful to be back playing netball in this beautiful place on their brand-new netball courts. The team received a warm welcome from Palm Island elders and the wider community. The atmosphere was relaxed and fun – our girls embraced the opportunity wholeheartedly and immersed themselves in the experience, connecting with local players and spectators, and getting involved in all they could, including leading the Macarena during the lunch break.

On the court, our girls shone brightly. They played five hard-fought games across the day and finished undefeated. In the pool crossover, we defeated St Josephs The Strand and then in the Grand Final, we faced the local favourite and very talented Bwgcolman Community School team. In front of a large, vocal crowd, our girls had a tough battle on their hands but remained composed and played some outstanding netball across the entire court, snatching themselves a 2-point victory. The team was beyond proud to be the 2023 winners of this special event, which is not just about netball but about connection and reconciliation. Overall, it was a brilliant day with our players coming home victorious but more importantly with many treasured memories. Special thanks go to the event organisers, sponsors and officials, the Palm Island elders and community for welcoming us, and the recently re-established Palm Island Netball Association for hosting. We look forward to returning next year.’
Rebecca BullochNetball Coordinator


Photography by Michael Porter and Rebecca Bulloch.