Book Week 2022

Book Week 2022

Book Week Parade: Rock Centre, 25 August.

It’s one of the most fun events of the Junior School calendar and the costumes just keep getting better. A big pat on the back to all students and parents for their creative and clever character creations. The amount of effort and detail is incredible, including from the teachers too!

Congratulations to the winners of best dressed – it was a tough selection process for the three mystery judges:

Wyatt J & Macy K
Cleo M & Louie D
Year 1
Sharon S & George G
Year 2
Charlotte S & Oliver G
Year 3
Fergus C & Aurora H
Year 4
Daniel C & Alana W
Year 5
Heath C & Stephine McC
Year 6
Emily S & Risau M
Bruce Campbell & Stella Lowrie
Year 6 Canberra Camp 2022

Year 6 Canberra Camp 2022

24th to 29th July

The annual Canberra Camp is an exciting opportunity for our Year 6 students to learn more about our nation’s capital, visiting places such as Parliament House, the Australian Institute of Sport, Museums, Gallery’s, and more. Here are some highlights from this year’s trip.

Photographer: Bruce Campbell

Investing In Our Children

Investing In Our Children

Investing in our future means investing in our children

by Tanya Murphy

We make some huge investments in our life. Work. Family. Education. Cars. Houses. Holidays. Our Children. When we invest precious time in our children we build the underlying skills and behaviours essential to a child’s lifelong learning, behaviour and health. Early experiences set the pathways for a child’s life. We want a future where our children flourish not just function throughout their lives. How do we do this in the busyness of everyday life? What do we focus on that will benefit our children’s wellbeing? Over the past decade, Positive Psychology has grown in prominence across educational and parenting platforms. Positive Psychology focuses on what joyful, resilient and well-adjusted people do. By focusing on what works, we can help children learn and develop the skills needed to flourish now and into the future.

Time for connection and fun.

Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships. Spending quality time where you both experience humour, affection and joy results in positive emotions. These positive emotions strengthen connection and build a sense of belonging. Savouring joyful moments with your child encourages them to do the same and reminds them of those fun and connecting moments you have together.


Time to cherish what we value.

Our values impact the decisions we make on how we spend our time. Our values make us who we are. Share your values with your child, family and community. When children are in an environment that shares and fosters their values, they feel secure, happy and energised. Make a list with your child of your family values, and share out loud when your child chooses those values.


Time to focus of feelings.

Take a moment to identify with your child how they feel and how their body responds when experiencing different emotions. Share with children that feelings are not good or bad, it is the choices we make when we experience these emotions that can require guidance or support. Sometimes, by simply naming an emotion, we bring awareness to the feelings we experience. Over time, we are helping our children to develop self-awareness to organise their emotions.


Time to strength-spot.

Children are superheroes. Every child has individualised character traits for thinking, feeling and behaving. When children embrace their strengths, they are energised and confident. Children need help to develop an awareness to their strengths, but by having this awareness children’s self-esteem is boosted.


Time to develop a Growth Mindset.

Having a growth mindset enables a child to focus on the journey, create a love of learning and to realise setbacks and challenges are a part of the process. With a growth mindset children understand their abilities can be developed through effort, dedication and persistence. A growth mindset is a valuable tool, especially when approaching new and challenging situations, such as learning to play soccer or starting a new school. By thinking growth, being open-minded and realising they have ownership, children see the world is a place of opportunities.

Investing in your child’s wellbeing is a pay-off for the future. Children with a positive wellbeing learn inner resources which they can draw upon to navigate challenges and savour the joyfulness they will encounter. The biggest and best investment we can give our children is our time and there are a myriad of ways we can give it.

Tanya Murphy

Tanya Murphy


Tanya has over 25 years of experience working in education and is passionate about early childhood education, literacy, and children’s wellbeing. She relishes the opportunity to work with the dedicated teaching staff, and the warm and friendly students and families. The Cathedral School is excitedly developing an innovative approach to children’s behaviour and wellbeing, based on Positive Psychology and the Guidance Approach,  through The Guidance Framework. The framework will be released in 2022 and the Cathedral Junior School Community enthusiastically awaits the implementation.

Art Extravaganza 2021

Art Extravaganza 2021

“It is always amazing to see artworks from babies to Year 6 and to see children proudly sharing them with their parents. The young musicians who entertained us on the night were thrilled to have an opportunity to showcase their skills. This year our three hands-on activities were inspired by ‘The Big Draw’* and its theme ‘Make the Change’.  Everyone enjoyed the opportunity to create an individual art piece or contribute to the collaborative work.”
Meredith Hillam – Art Extravaganza Co-ordinator

*The Big Draw is an international festival that takes place in October with the aim to spotlight the importance of creativity.
Junior School Bridge Building Competition

Junior School Bridge Building Competition

On Monday 29th March, five Year 6 students participated in a bridge-building competition. Following a 30-minute master class from a JCU lecturer, our students had to design and build a bridge, using KNEX, that spanned a 50cm gap. The winning bridge would be the lightest bridge that could carry the most weight. 

Our bridge weighed in at 231 grams and supported 2.97kg before collapsing. An excellent effort from our team, who worked supportively and diligently throughout the day.

A visiting engineer from the Snowy Mountain Engineering Company judged our bridge the most innovative bridge design of the day for our use of a supporting cable underneath our bridge.

Well done to Thomas Acton, William McCallum, Olivia Rees, Emma Tanzer, and Zeb Whelan for a tremendous effort and a great result.