National Tree Day 2021

National Tree Day 2021

The Townsville City Council recently invited local schools to participate in the Schools National Tree Day 2021. The purpose was to help improve urban habitat and biodiversity in the Townsville area.

The schools were invited to Riverway to be presented with a participation certificate as well as receiving all the necessary equipment involved in planting the native trees and grasses. Each school was provided with ten local native plant saplings including TerraCottem Physical Soil Conditioner, Gardening Kit (this includes gloves and garden tools), and a tree planting and maintenance information package. The school will also get up to 10m2 of fine organic mulch delivered to the school.
The Sustainable Guardians were keen to participate in National Tree Day as this is a focus of the group; to improve the environment and encourage native wildlife in the school grounds. The maintenance and planting of these plants will be under the supervision of the Sustainable Guardians. To find out more visit the Townsville City Council website.

Sustainability A Matter Of Recycling

Sustainability A Matter Of Recycling

The Cathedral School Sustainable Guardians are a group of Middle and Senior School students who are passionate about preserving the natural environment and making our school a more environmentally friendly place.

Run by Cathedral’s Science Department, this year the Sustainable Guardians’ focus has been on recycling. As a result, a bright yellow bin has been placed in the Senior School quad for recyclable materials. The materials suitable for this bin are any container with the 10c recycling symbol, however the most common ones are: soft drink cans, poppers (without the straw) and milk bottles (with caps placed in the small red bin next to the yellow recycling bin).

The purpose of the yellow bin is to reduce the number of plastic bottles entering landfills. Money made from recycling is used by the Sustainable Guardians group to continue helping reduce the pollution footprint on the Earth. The recycling bin has been used correctly most of the time, however improvements can still be made. Sometimes, general waste and food scraps have been mistakenly disposed of into the recycling bin, and due to health and safety precautions, Sustainable Guardians’ members cannot sort through to collect the cans and bottles. This causes more plastic in landfills and a loss of potential funds.

Nevertheless, Alana Clark, a Year 12 student member of Sustainable Guardians, believes recycling is a vital action. “Recycling is extremely important to ensure we are looking after our environment as best we can. Although humans have a substantially negative effect on the environment, if everyone could simply recycle this effect would be significantly lowered,” she said.

The Sustainable Guardians make many efforts to preserve the school environment and the Earth at large, and encourage others to do the same. They partake in a range of activities to achieve their goal of making Cathedral a more environmentally sustainable community. These activities include: beach clean-ups, recycling, and raising funds to use within the club as well as to donate to other suitable organisations.

Run by Cathedral’s Science Department, this year the Sustainable Guardians’ focus has been on recycling. As a result, a bright yellow bin has been placed in the Senior School quad for recyclable materials. The materials suitable for this bin are any container with the 10c recycling symbol, however the most common ones are: soft drink cans, poppers (without the straw) and milk bottles (with caps placed in the small red bin next to the yellow recycling bin).

The purpose of the yellow bin is to reduce the number of plastic bottles entering landfills. Money made from recycling is used by the Sustainable Guardians group to continue helping reduce the pollution footprint on the Earth. The recycling bin has been used correctly most of the time, however improvements can still be made. Sometimes, general waste and food scraps have been mistakenly disposed of into the recycling bin, and due to health and safety precautions, Sustainable Guardians’ members cannot sort through to collect the cans and bottles. This causes more plastic in landfills and a loss of potential funds.

Nevertheless, Alana Clark, a Year 12 student member of Sustainable Guardians, believes recycling is a vital action. “Recycling is extremely important to ensure we are looking after our environment as best we can. Although humans have a substantially negative effect on the environment, if everyone could simply recycle this effect would be significantly lowered,” she said.

The Sustainable Guardians make many efforts to preserve the school environment and the Earth at large, and encourage others to do the same. They partake in a range of activities to achieve their goal of making Cathedral a more environmentally sustainable community. These activities include: beach clean-ups, recycling, and raising funds to use within the club as well as to donate to other suitable organisations.