Junior School Leaders

Junior School Leaders

Congratulations to our new Junior School Leaders for semester one 2023!

Eve Musumeci &
Lawson Barker

Junior School Leaders

Harriet Connolly &
Banjo Allen

Langton House Leaders

Sophie Bennett & Charlie Parfrey

Bede House Leaders

Isla Liebenberg &
Aiden Barry

Chatham House Leaders

Caitlyn Cavanagh &
Preston Campbell

More House Leaders

Jacqueline O’Halloran

Arts Leader

Kieran Sheldon

Chapel Leader

Mila Halpin

Environmental Leader

Jay Antoney

Wonder Hub Leader
Junior School Presentation Evening 2022

Junior School Presentation Evening 2022

The Year 4, 5, and 6 students and families gathered at the Rock Centre on November 25 for the Junior School Presentation evening with the awards being presented by Mr. Daniel Christie, Chairman of The Cathedral School Board.
Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival

Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival

The Year 3 – 6 students competed in the Interhouse ‘Other Strokes’ Swimming Carnival on November 17 with Bede taking out the shield for 2022.
The final placings in the points competition:
1. Bede.   2. More.   3. Langton.   4. Chatham
Chatham was awarded the House Spirit following enthusiastic support for all competitors across all the House carnivals.
Thank you to Mr McCosker for the great photography.
Junior School Outdoor Ed Camps 2022

Junior School Outdoor Ed Camps 2022

Galleries from some of the recent Junior School Outdoor Education Camps. 

At Cathedral we extend our learning outside of the classroom and place great emphasis on the development of character, courage, confidence, and resilience.

The Cathedral School provides compulsory outdoor education, commencing in Year 2.

Below: A selection of photos from our Year 2 Camp with Outer Limits Adventure.

Below: A selection of photos from our Year 3 Camp to Big Crystal Creek, with Outer Limits Adventure.