Head Of The River 2021

Head Of The River 2021

Another Sensational Win For Team Cathedral

It was another sterling performance by The Cathedral School Rowing Team at this year’s Head Of The River Regatta in Townsville, winning overall school, and bringing home three of the four oars. The team delivered a swag of medals and capped off a magnificent career for retiring Head Coach, Stephan Muhlenberg.

After 21 Finals, the team finished with:

11   x    First Place
13   x    Second
8     x     Third
7     x     Fourth
7     x     Fifth

Rowing Co-ordinator’s Report

“This regatta was one of our biggest point scorers with some finals of 3, 4, or 5 Cathedral crews/rowers. Everyone really gave it their all. I am always so impressed with the back-to-back racing of many of our rowers and the way they approach this challenge. What we find is that at States, when races are spread over three days our rowers are well prepared to do well, their endurance showing.

Well done to the Open Girls eight, you looked smooth and won convincingly. I think this will be the strongest girls eight heading off to States since the 2008 crew, which came 5th in the States final and was hot on the heels of the Big Brisbane Girls schools.

I was also so proud of the Boys Open Eight who raced a very tight race and gave their all to try to bring home the fourth trophy Oar for the day for Cathedral. I know how disappointed they were. We can’t win all the time and Grammar has put a lot of effort and priority on their Eight this year.

Well done also to the second Boys eight who came a healthy second and due to illness included three Year 9 rowers. Great Heart boys !

Those invited to row at State will have been sent their eCat invitation today. Only those students going to States, will now train in the lead up to States. This includes one Eight 8 boys quad, two Year 8 girls quads, two Year 9 Boys quads, a Year 10 boys double, Five Year 11 Boys and the Girls Eight. States is always about taking your strongest crews, and doubling up in some year groups where there is depth.

Work hard for those rowing on. If you are not, well done for your local season and your commitment to the program. Everyone should be so proud of TEAM CATHEDRAL.”

Regards, Katrina Wilshire.

Thank you to Photography Contributors: Trudy Stewart & Katrina Wilshire.

Year 9 Camp – 2021

Year 9 Camp – 2021


The Cathedral School Year 9 Camp is one of the highlights for students in Middle School. The nine-day program is a life-changing event that challenges students, builds character, and strengthens relationships with other students. The camp involves hiking, mountain bike riding, abseiling, raft construction, navigation, bush survival, and camping skills throughout the beautiful and rugged terrain of Puzzle Creek Gorge, Hidden Valley, and Running River, in North Queensland.

 Here is a snapshot of the 2021 camp from students and staff.

All Shook Up

All Shook Up

Announcing the Cast List for the 2022 School Production of ‘All Shook Up’!

Congratulations to the new cast members, there were some fantastic auditions. ‘All Shook Up’ will be produced by The Cathedral School’s Head of The Arts – Ms. Bonnie Nicholas.

Stay tuned for updates via The Tatler and eCat.

National Tree Day 2021

National Tree Day 2021

The Townsville City Council recently invited local schools to participate in the Schools National Tree Day 2021. The purpose was to help improve urban habitat and biodiversity in the Townsville area.

The schools were invited to Riverway to be presented with a participation certificate as well as receiving all the necessary equipment involved in planting the native trees and grasses. Each school was provided with ten local native plant saplings including TerraCottem Physical Soil Conditioner, Gardening Kit (this includes gloves and garden tools), and a tree planting and maintenance information package. The school will also get up to 10m2 of fine organic mulch delivered to the school.
The Sustainable Guardians were keen to participate in National Tree Day as this is a focus of the group; to improve the environment and encourage native wildlife in the school grounds. The maintenance and planting of these plants will be under the supervision of the Sustainable Guardians. To find out more visit the Townsville City Council website.

Central QLD State Title Blitz

Central QLD State Title Blitz

Head Coaches Report

“The Cathedral School Rowers have returned from the Central Queensland State Titles with a swag of medals which is fantastic. We returned as the strongest CQ School team with 15 gold, 8 silver, and 4 bronze medals, won by a team of 50 athletes and 8 coaches. The combined performance of Townsville Rowing which includes Ignatius Park, St Pat’s, and St Margaret’s rowing program is very impressive.

The 2000km road trip had everyone excited and neither rain, wind, cold, or a capsized 1x could spoil the mood. Congratulation to all Cathedral Rowers, their parents, and their coaches. I would like to thank our parents and our great team of coaches, and Katrina Wilshire as program co-ordinator for making it all happen, as well as the Townsville & J.C.U. Rowing Club for their support. There were no complaints, just lots of smiles and laughter – maybe the 30 warm beanies donated by Isi Egan’s Nanna played a part in it! A big thank you also to Tina and Dougal Cox who assisted us in so many ways. Once again the politeness of the Cathedral Students was praised by the kitchen staff.

One final word on our new rowers who had their very first away regatta. Our Year 8 and 9 students dominated in their events in a mature and very competitive way. They handled the conditions well – in some cases the shortage of boats, due to back-to-back events in the same boat class, as well as too many boats progressing caused delays… That’s not a bad problem to have! Thank you also to our senior athletes and their great attitude, leading by example and delivering some really exciting and medal-winning races. Enjoy your break (but not too much) and keep moving.”

Stephan Muhlenberg.

Read the full results from the State Titles here.

Musical Production 2022

Musical Production 2022


The music of Elvis comes alive in All Shook Up.

After eight long weeks of guesses, red herrings, and attempts to bribe the answer from those in the know, staff and students were finally privy to the world’s best-kept secret; All Shook Up is the 2022 Musical Production!

Inspired by Shakespeare’s Twelfth NightAll Shook Up follows a small Midwestern town that is thrown into a frenzy with the arrival of Chad, a good-looking, motorcycle-riding roustabout, who rides from town to town with a guitar on his back, blue suede shoes on his feet, and a song in his heart. Repressed by their conservative mayor, the town begins to come alive once more under Chad’s influence. Lovers meet, woo, pursue, and more, all in one zany night that will change the town forever. All Shook Up is a rocking, heartwarming tale about following dreams, opening up to love, and the power of music.

Auditions for All Shook Up will take place early in Term 3, with rehearsals beginning in Week 5.

More information about the show and that audition process can be found on the 2022 Production Audition Page. To join the group, visit the eCat Groups page, select the ‘2022 Production Audition Page’ and hit the Join Selected Groups button at the bottom of the page. 

All Shook Up will be performed at the Townsville Civic Theatre, April 2022. Keep an eye out for tickets!