Valedictory Day ~ Class of 2023

Valedictory Day ~ Class of 2023

Valedictory Day highlights for the Class of 2023 – the final assembly and awards, the Guard of Honour, and finishing with the Formal at Quayside Terminal.
Photography by Jo Duncan, Infuzed Media, Flicka Photography, Matt Scully.

Awards Assembly

Final Farewell Assembly

Guard of Honour

Formal Arrivals – Quayside Terminal

Formal – Stage & Event

Senior School Presentation Night 2023

Senior School Presentation Night 2023

The Year 10, 11, and 12 students and families gathered at the Rock Centre on November 16 for the Senior School Presentation evening, including special guests, Bishop Keith Joseph, and Mr. Daniel Christie, Chairman of The Cathedral School Board.
Photography by Jo Duncan, Matt Scully.
Exercise Puk Puk

Exercise Puk Puk

Earlier this year, Junior School families donated books and school supplies to be sent to two schools on Manus Island. The boxes of supplies were presented to Special Purpose Receiver Towns and Lance Corporal MacDonald from the 25th Squadron, by the school Defence Club students.

As part of ‘Exercise Puk Puk’, the Australian Army sent the 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment to Lobrum Primary School, and Papitalai Secondary School to undertake much-needed renovations and deliver the donated school supplies.

‘Exercise Puk Puk’ is an annual engineering exercise involving military personnel from Papua New Guinea, Australia, the UK, and other partner nations.

The video above was recently sent to The Cathedral School, to thank the students and families for supporting young students on Manus.

Boarders’ Final – Class of 2023

Boarders’ Final – Class of 2023

It was another excellent Boarder’s Final dinner, celebrating another year in Boarding at Cathedral, and saying farewell to the Class of 2023 Boarding Graduates. The Year 11s worked together as a team to make the event happen – setting up, serving, decorating, and creating the programs. Congratulations to the Boarding Graduates and 2023 award winners.

2023  Boarding Awards

2024 Boarding Captain’s

Eric Bond-Cottis & Isabella Abdy
Parker Hood & Zoe Goodwin
Max O’Connell & Keira Young

Shield Awards

Motivation for Service Award Shields
This award considers students who have made a substantial and positive contribution to the boarding community by actively engaging and uniting students across our diverse range of cultures and personalities.

Middle School Boy Boarder
Bishop John Oliver Feetham Service to Boarding in recognition of their contribution to Boys Boarding.

Zac Walker – Year 9

Middle School Girl Boarder
Sister Alice Service to Boarding in recognition of their contribution to Girls Boarding.

Ashley Whitehead – Year 9

Senior School Boy Boarder
Bishop John Oliver Feetham Service to Boarding in recognition of their contribution to Boys Boarding.

Nathan Whitehead – Year 11

Senior School Girl Boarder
Sister Alice Service to Boarding in recognition of their contribution to Girls Boarding.

Zoe Goodwin – Year 11

The Ian & Diana Gamack Prize for the Best All-Round Year 12 Girl & Boy Boarder is awarded to the students who are the best all-rounders in terms of academics, leadership, citizenship, and pastoral care within the context of boarding. This prize recognizes the special demands placed on students living away from home. These awards will be announced at the Senior School Presentation Night.

Thank you to Jo Duncan, Amanda Clarke, and Tom Porter for the photography.

Remembrance Day 2023

Remembrance Day 2023

The Cathedral School is proud of its strong connection to the Defence community and is privileged to have Cathedral parent Major Paul Garth of the 5th Aviation Regiment as a guest speaker at our Remembrance Day services.

Paul’s children Chelsea (Year 3) and Liam (Year 1) are part of the Junior School Defence Club, which was responsible for creating the magnificent display at the entrance of Heatley House. Each poppy colour represents a unique aspect of Remembrance Day; Red, a memorial to World War I and following conflicts; White, remembering people who died in conflict with a focus on an end to war; Purple, remembering animal victims of war; and Black, commemorating the contributions of black, African and Carribean communities to the war effort – as servicemen and servicewomen, and as civilians.

Major Paul spoke about the ultimate sacrifice made by those who have fallen, and another great sacrifice of time being spent away from family – in reflection of his extended service in the Afghanistan conflict.

We thank all of those who currently serve, and remember those we have lost in conflict.

Lest we forget.

Dance Concert 2023

Dance Concert 2023

The annual Dance Concert was another successful event showcasing the exceptional talents of the students in the Dance program at The Cathedral School. This year Miss Suzie gave some students the opportunity to choreograph and perform solo’s which did not disappoint! The audience was captivated by every student who took to the stage and we thank the SLAB crew for their impressive lighting displays.

A big thank you to Jo Duncan for her stunning photography.

Congratulations must also go to the students who received awards on the evening:

The Cathedral School JS Dancer of the Year – Frankie
The Cathedral School MS Dancer of the Year – Olivia
The Cathedral School SS Dancer of the Year – Alysha M. (Pictured Above).
The Cathedral School Outstanding Dedication and Effort to Dance – Chloe T.

View some of the highlights in the gallery below.

Photography by Jo Duncan.